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Client: Ikego   |   2024   |   Circular Furniture Design

Build your own designer pieces at home with Tetri, a modular kit for sustainable furniture.

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Design for a circular future.

"What will happen to my design when it becomes obsolete? Am I contributing more to pollution than I know?" Product designers often don't know the answers to these questions. The Berlin-based collaborative design project IKEGO proposes a system for circular furniture design. In this system, every part of a design can either be recycled or reused in an alternative way, thus avoiding the production of waste. Their website curates an open source catalogue of modular design models and reusable building components. A design manual guides designers on their circular design journey.

Following these guidelines, I designed a simple furniture kit with only a few parts:

The Tetri Building Kit


The kit comes with two boards. A grid of small holes lets you attach other pieces wherever you like, giving you lots of design options. The boards can be joined together with a two-sided or three-sided bracket to create cubes and other formations.

Tetri Furniture

Here are some examples what you could build with the Tetri Building Kit. Feel inspired to create your own designs!


Tetri Nightstand

The Nightstand is the reliable base of the Tetri family. With only four boards, some bolts and screws and little "legs" it's a simple yet charming piece.

Tetri Roller

What's better than a box? A box with wheels. The Tetri Roller is a creative storing solution for the objects you need in more than one place. Rolling your plants from the kitchen to the bedroom to the living room? Why not!

Tetri Locker

With a magnetic door, the Tetri Locker keeps your belongings stored away neatly. Of course you can still show off your favourite book collection or design piece with the semi-transparent acrylic door. If you want more privacy, another material awaits for you.


Tetri Shelf

The Tetri Shelf is a statement piece. Using only a few parts from the building kit, the Shelf effortlessly shows off your favorite things without taking up too much space in the room.


Part Design Documentation

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